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Showing posts from September, 2009

Enemies of Learning

Some unknown person (thanks unknown person!!) left an article for me in my mailbox entitled "Enemies of Learning". In the paper, the author, Charles Feltman, states that there are certain behaviors that "dull or kill our ability to learn." They include the following: Our inability to admit that we don't know. The desire for clarity all of the time. Inability to unlearn. Confusing learning with acquiring information. Not giving permission to others to teach us. Lack of trust. There are others as well, but I found these to be really profound. I can't say I was surprised that these are on the list, but I was surprised to have them under the heading: Enemies of Learning. In other words, these things attack our ability to continuously learn. I have to admit to being guilty of some of these things. I am known to ask a lot of clarifying questions. Not that this is bad, but sometimes, we need to start even when we don't have all the answers. Some answers need to...

The V's of Student Internet Use

There is some really interesting information from the Pew Research Center on Teens and Internet Use. There is no surprise that the newest generation of teens has even more access to technology. It continues to make me wonder: Who is teaching them how to use these tools responsibly and effectively... and productively! Here is the link to the presentation: